Sunday, December 27, 2009

North to...uh sorry Johnny Horton...the Yukon!

When everyone else was soaking up the sun in August, I was researching parkas and dreaming of snow.

It might sound crazy, but to me it made perfect sense.

During the summer break in my masters program I started thinking about where I’d like to go for my January internship. I’d been toying with a few ideas; London UK would be cosmopolitan, there were a lot of choices in Toronto and if I went to Montreal I could be near family and learn at the same time.

But in the end I chose a location that took everyone – including me – by surprise: Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory.

And while the choice may seem random there were actually a few things that set me on the eventual path to choosing Whitehorse.

Firstly I’ve had the opportunity to travel from coast to coast, but I’ve never had the chance to explore any of Canada’s three territories. Secondly, anyone who knows me also knows that I’ve lately been bitten by the travel bug thanks to my favourite TV show departures. In the season one finale Scott, Justin and Andre travelled to Canada’s North and crossed into the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. I’ve been craving to do something out of the ordinary and this would certainly be an adventure.

And thirdly, I had a chance conversation with a neighbour whose son was working in Iqaluit Nunavut. He said his son and his family (including their recently shaved down dachshund) would be living and working in Nunavut for a year or so.

I was intrigued.

I wondered what the job prospects were like for journalists in Canada’s North and wanted to find out how many services broadcasted in the region.

So I fired up my computer and started looking up station locations. Sure enough, CBC had bureaus in all three territories. But there was just something about Whitehorse that was calling my name.

After doing some research on the city I was sold.

I called my best friend, Amanda, as I was scrolling through flight prices.

“You’re going to think I’m crazy,” I told her.

“Ok, why?” she laughed.

Now, Amanda is pretty used to my crazy schemes. We’ve known each other since we were eight years-old and in our time as friends we’ve done some random and silly things. I knew though this plan would top them all.

“Well I decided where I want to go for my internship – Whitehorse,” I said.

“What?! Why?” Amanda asked.

So I went on to tell her all of my reasons. And while she did think I was crazy, she was on board with my newfound mission: Whitehorse or bust.

We did agree on one thing though; telling my parents was going to be interesting.

The parentals were away when I made my astounding decision, but when they got home they had the reaction I was expecting.

“Whitehorse! You can go anywhere and you want to go to Whitehorse…in January?!” my mom questioned.

“You could go to London, Montreal even Australia – go to Australia!” was my dad’s less than subdued response.

They wanted to know, “why?” I tried my best to explain and slowly but surely they started to come around.

With the hard part over with it was on to the fun stuff.

After I got confirmation the CBC bureau in Whitehorse was willing to have me intern with them everything moved really quickly. I booked my flights, bought my parka and various essential winter clothing items (long johns anyone?) and sorted out a place to stay (all thanks to the help of some amazing people in Montreal and Whitehorse) I was ready to go.

So here I am, just one week – seven days – until I set off on my very own episode of departures. That is, minus the three cute leading men of course ;)

I’m nervous, but more excited than anything to be making what started out as a crazy idea, a reality.

I can’t wait to get my hands dirty with the work I’ll be doing at CBC. It’s still crazy to think that I’m in this journalism program, doing this internship and I have the opportunity to learn about and practice the work I love to do.

This is going to be the most amazing January I’ve ever had. There will be challenges, but I think I’m ready for them.

I still get the “why” question a lot when I run into people who’ve just found out I’m Yukon-bound. And that’s ok. It gives me the chance to tell them about what a cool place I’m going to (literally and figuratively) and all the wonderful people who’ve helped me along the way.

I’ll write again before I set off for Whitehorse to let you know how my final preparations are going. I still have some shopping to do this week. Pretty pumped for it actually! Amanda and I are getting ready for a retail marathon.

Stay tuned and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. Great first entry. Love the writing style and look forward to reading further updates. Safe travels. See you in February.

  2. Know you'll have a wonderful time. Already looking forward to Jan.30.

  3. Hi Jess,

    Real proud to have a niece studying in journalism. I really enjoyed everything you've written and will be anxious for your updates.

    Aunt Renée
